Artis Divina - Where Artists find ways to follow God

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Thinking outside the box with Jesus

Many times in my life I have been the oddball, especially since I am an artistic personality, (surrounded by literal and linear thinking people…).

Non-linear thinkers, and those who think often in images, metaphors, and associations, all have a great model in Jesus to consider. Rules that were manufactured by people after God Spoke the law were ignored, and attitudes that placed more emphasis on personal exposure to something that might get them “dirty” in some way, over the act of loving the people in our lives were also put aside.

Creative people can immediately see through the manufactured false facades put in place by the religious people of Jesus’ day, and perceive that Jesus was about loving people, and loving them right where they were, right then. He didn’t love their sins, but He loved the people despite their sins. The small list below may provide you with some meditational moments some time this week.

Reflect on what Jesus did, and how you can follow him.

Jesus' nonconformity- as told in Luke
  1. Association with lepers (5:12-16);

  2. His claim to forgive sins (5:21);

  3. Association with tax collectors (5:27-32);

  4. Plucking grain on the Sabbath (6:1-5);

  5. Curing on the Sabbath (6:6-11) n.b., esp. v 11.;

  6. Association with Gentiles in the trans-Jordan district;

  7. Association, even by touch, with a sinful woman (7: 36-50);

  8. Association with women, some of high rank (8:1-3);

  9. Association with dead girl and a menstrous woman ( 8:40-56).

Grace and Peace to you…


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